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Special Education

Welcome to the Special Education Department at Pathways

The Pathways' Special Education Team provides academic support and specialized instruction based on student’s IEP needs. Deb and Tara hold small group face to face classes that are worth a half credit per hexter. The three things students need to do in order to be successful in the classes  are to attend regularly, participate, and complete class assignments/assessments.  Our School Psychologist provides individual mental health support for students as well. Our typical students have mild to moderate disabilities and are able to advocate for their needs, have some level of independence when it comes to completing school work, and have a desire to finish high school. When an applicant applies at Pathways,  their IEP’s are reviewed on an  individual basis to make sure that the services listed can be met by our staff.

Students during this remote learning time please connect with Pete, Tara and Deb via email. We are still here and wanting to continue to support you all in your classes! Please see the power point presentation that Deb developed! The link is:

Meet Our Teachers

MyAccount Dashboard

Teacher's digital classrooms are available in Schoology. To access, visit MyAccount Dashboard

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