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The Adams 12 Five Star School Counseling program supports the development of the whole child by advocating for academic, social/emotional, career and post-secondary needs and strives to develop life-long learners and productive citizens.

The Adams 12 Five Star School  Counseling program works collaboratively with parents, community members and educators to empower every child, regardless of individual differences or obstacles, to ensure all students are prepared for meaningful, productive learning through a data-driven comprehensive K-12 school counseling program.

Meet Our Counselors

Juana Budde


Shirell White


Your student's counselor:

Competency Diploma students: Shirell White

Students with a 504: Shirell White 

Traditional Diploma students Last Names A - G: Katy Batchelder

Traditional Diploma students Last Names H - Z: Juana Budde


Read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our programs and the populations that we serve.